Many people try to avoid responsibility for their actions, like drivers who cause others to get injured in car crashes. At-fault drivers may lie about what happened to attempt to avoid financial responsibility and an increase in their insurance premium.
When this happens, victims are understandably angry because the at-fault driver is making the process of recovering compensation more difficult. That is why victims need to know what to do if the at-fault driver lies about what happened in the crash. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can still recover compensation for your damages. If the at-fault driver is lying, an attorney can gather evidence to help prove it.
The licensed Maryland vehicle crash attorneys at Peter T. Nicholl Law Offices are ready to help you pursue full compensation for your damages at no upfront cost to you. Schedule a free consultation to find out how we may be able to help you.
The at-fault driver may lie simply to avoid being held responsible for the crash. If a claim is filed against his or her liability insurance, it may result in the insurance company raising the driver’s premiums. The driver may think he or she can get away with lying. He or she may think you will not remember much if anything about what happened.
The at-fault driver may want to avoid getting a ticket for speeding, distracted driving, tailgating or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Maybe the driver was recently ticketed for a driving infraction and does not want to get another one, especially if the driver was previously ticketed for driving under the influence.
Sometimes drivers flee the scene of a crash and then lie about it to try to avoid responsibility for a hit-and-run accident.
Lying to the insurance company could be considered insurance fraud, which could result in fines and potentially more severe penalties, like probation and jail time. However, insurance fraud may be difficult to prove. The at-fault driver may say he or she was honest but what he or she thought happened is different from what really happened.
You should always call the police after a car crash, even if you are unsure about the severity of your injuries and the overall severity of the accident. You also never know when an at-fault driver may decide to lie about what happened.
By calling the police, you can get your side of the story documented at the scene. The officer will also document what the at-fault driver said. The officer may be able to spot inconsistencies in the other driver’s statements or find things that do not make sense. Your focus needs to be on protecting your credibility – if the other driver is lying you will be seen as more believable if you have strong credibility.
If you think the other driver is drunk because you saw him or her have difficulty walking, slurring his or her words, or smelling like alcohol, you should inform the officer. He or she may conduct a field sobriety test or breathalyzer test to determine if the other driver is intoxicated.
However, there is no need to get into an argument with the other driver if he or she lies to you, or you overhear him or her lying to the responding officer. Your focus needs to be on providing your statement to the officer and tending to your injuries.
No matter what the at-fault driver says about the crash, you should strongly consider contacting a lawyer. Even if the at-fault driver is truthful, it can be difficult to recover full compensation for your damages without the help of an experienced lawyer.
The attorneys at The Law Offices of Peter T. Nicholl are prepared to guide you through the legal process, including investigating the crash, collecting evidence, building a case, negotiating with the insurance company and countering their attempts to deny or underpay your claim. We can talk to witnesses to determine if they have information to dispute the at-fault driver’s lies and prove your case. We can also take other steps like obtaining video footage and possibly information from an event data recorder.
It is a bad idea to talk to the insurance company yourself because you may say things that are inconsistent with previous statements you made about the accident. Insurance companies know how to trick crash victims into saying things that hurt their cases. They could trick you into:
You can avoid these mistakes by contacting a lawyer soon after the accident and allowing him or her to talk to the insurance company on your behalf.
Another step you can take to help strengthen your claim is to continue your medical treatment. This is important for your health but also to show the seriousness of your injuries. If you miss appointments or stop getting treatment, it will be harder to secure full compensation for your damages.
One of the most important steps you can take following a vehicle accident is contacting an experienced attorney to assist you with the legal process. At-fault drivers may lie about what happened and the insurance company may deny your claim because of it.
Our experienced attorneys are here to advocate for you after an accident that was not your fault. We have obtained millions for crash victims in Maryland.
Free consultation with no upfront legal fees. Call 410-401-9979.
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