
The Dangers of Being Exposed to Dust From Lead Paint That Was Disturbed

Posted on behalf of Peter T. Nicholl in Lead Paint Poisoning Published on May 13, 2022 and updated on August 18, 2024.

house with fence and lead warning signThere are various ways people can suffer lead poisoning, but the most common way is by breathing in or ingesting dust. Often, lead dust, such as from lead paint, is breathed in inside an older home that contained lead paint. The paint may have been disturbed when the home was being renovated. Lead dust often rests on surfaces like floors and windowsills.

Below, we discuss the dangers of dust from lead paint. People often do not realize how long it takes for lead dust to settle and get out of the air. That means it can hang around for a significant amount of time to be breathed in by anyone in the area.

If you were exposed to lead paint and diagnosed with related health problems, give us a call today. You may have legal options for pursuing compensation for medical expenses and other damages. An initial consultation is free of charge and there are no upfront fees if you hire our firm to represent you.

How is Lead Dust Created?

Lead dust is often released into the air when lead paint is scraped, sanded or heated, such as during renovations on an older home. Cutting and demolition of old buildings can also release lead dust into the air.

Lead dust can also be kicked up into the air when painted surfaces are rubbed together. For example, lead dust can come from windows and window frames, such as when windows are opened and closed.

While lead paint is dangerous, it is usually not a significant hazard if it is in good condition. The problem arises when the paint ages, because it can start to chip and eventually crumble into dust. While one tiny paint chip may not seem that dangerous, it contains enough lead to poison a child.

A small amount of lead dust can also be incredibly dangerous. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says one gram of lead dust, which is about the size of one packet of sugar/sweetener, could contaminate an entire room to a hazardous level.

That is why homeowners and property owners need to be very cautious when renovating an older property that may contain lead. There are practices approved by the EPA for protecting people from lead exposure when renovating a home. The EPA certifies painters and others involved in home renovation in the safe removal of lead paint.

While there are some levels of lead exposure that could be considered safe, being exposed to less than these “safe” levels could still cause harmful effects.

How Long Does Lead Paint Dust Linger in the Body?

One of the biggest problems with lead exposure is it can linger in the body for a significant amount of time. Consistent exposure can cause lead to buildup in the body and result in severe physical and cognitive problems.

Lead exposure is particularly dangerous for children, as their bodies expel less of it than adults – children’s bodies absorb lead more easily than adult’s bodies, as 50 percent of the lead children ingest can be absorbed. That means lead can linger in children’s bodies for much longer. If a child is exposed to a significant amount of lead and it gets into bone, it could remain there for decades.

Who Could be Held Liable for Exposure to Lead?

If you own your home and the party you bought it from did not inform you there was lead paint, and you can prove they knew about, it is possible they may bear liability for damages.

If you rent a property and the owner did not take the proper steps to deal with the issue, the landlord may have liability for damages.

Corporations could bear liability, such as if they allowed lead to contaminate the water supply or allowed their activities to release lead dust into the air near a residential area.

Many lead poisoning claims are filed by those who rented property that was contaminated. These claims are often filed against property owners.

These claims are complex and difficult to prove, which is why you need an experienced attorney. Establishing when and where lead exposure occurred and proving it was caused by negligence is a complex task.

Contact Us Today to Discuss a Potential Claim

For decades, the experienced Maryland lead paint poisoning attorneys at The Law Offices of Peter T. Nicholl have been securing compensation for victims of others’ negligence. We have obtained millions for those injured by lead poisoning caused by another’s negligence.

If you have health problems related to lead paint poisoning, we are here to help you consider your legal options. We do not charge upfront fees for our services and there are no fees while working on your case.

Give us a call today. We are ready to assist you. 410-401-9979